How to Look Good in Every Photo!

Are you someone that hates getting your photo taken? Do you avoid the camera like the plague?

If this sounds like you, this photo posing post is here to help you take that picture pressure away!

I often get asked, “How do you always look so good in pictures?” Even though I’ve been working as a professional model for forty plus years and know how to pose, I don’t always look good. I think it’s more about the moment than having to look good or have a perfect pose.

Isn’t it frustrating when you can’t get that good angle in your photo that makes you look perfectly posed? We all face this perfection-in-our-photos crisis at some point and feel complexed when others seem to have great pictures.

The truth is, it’s natural not to look 100% perfect at any given time. We have to accept ourselves before others’ judgments, or we’ll never be strong enough to lead a happy life and enjoy having our pictures taken.

Especially now, with social media exploding in our lives, we need to upgrade our photo posing talents to look good and feel confident.

That said, here are a few techniques I’ve learned over the years to reap the best looks in any setting.

Picture perfect poses and techniques

Can’t seem to photograph yourself perfectly? Here I’ve prepared ten photo pose ideas that will take you step-by-step towards achieving the best photos when the camera lens is aimed your way. So, worry no more and read ahead to find out different poses that you can try!

1. Be prepared

You’ve heard it a million times, “practice makes perfect.” When it comes to pictures, this is true. Check out poses in catalogs, magazines, online, and Pinterest for inspiration. I have a file saved on my computer with poses I like, and when it comes time for a photoshoot, I pull them out. And, as silly as it sounds, practice your poses in front of the mirror.

2. Lighting and backdrop

Always turn your face towards the light—especially if it’s natural sunlight. It gives a beautiful glow to your face. The best time to take photos is known as “the golden hour.” This time frame is the hour before sunset or the hour after sunrise. The worst time to take outside pictures is the middle of the day when the light will be the harshest and less diffused.

Your backdrop shouldn’t be too busy, or it can be distracting. Maybe it’s that flowerbed behind your house, a tree or a bush. If it’s too cold outdoors, place yourself in front of a wall or the fireplace.

Use props. Props are a natural inclusion that helps bring the photo to life. Some examples are; holding your favorite drink or a good book, put on a hat or scarf.

3. What to wear?

Some outfits just don’t translate well in photos. Always wear colors and styles that make you feel pretty. You know your colors, the top you put on, and everyone says, “You look great today!” That’s your color. Black and white are always a good option. Black is slimming and can hide extra bulges.

However, choosing the right outfits for a photoshoot should be carefully planned if you want to have a flawless look. Put on your favorite sweater or dress. Prints and patterns are great, but again, not too busy, or it takes away from the person.

If you’re planning a group photo, following a theme is also picture-worthy, but the real trick is to have a similar dress code.

4. Posture

For a great photo, never slouch! It affects the mood of the picture and enlarges the appearance of your stomach. Keep your back straight and shoulders up but relaxed.

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5. Head

No matter how skinny you are, there is a little bit of flab under the chin. If you bring your chin forward, which seems like the sensible thing to do, it brings your face up, and the camera shoots up your nostrils. (Not attractive.) Instead, bring your ears forward.

If your taking a selfie, hold the camera as far away from your body as possible. Having the phone farther away will help prevent distortions (like making your nose look larger), and taking the picture from a higher angle will make a better photo.

Please don’t stare at the camera head-on, turn your head a bit and it will show a slimmer profile. Elongate your neck to simulate height, and poise.

6. Facial expression

We all have a good side; practice in the mirror to figure out which is yours.

Try switching up your smile with a cute smirk, a friendly laugh, or an edgy scowl to add variety to your poses. A term you may have heard, “smile with your eyes,” relax your jaw, so your lips are parted, lift eyes and warm it up into a smile. Your facial expression can make or break a photo.

7. Posing

When posing, make sure to differentiate your arms and legs with asymmetrical poses. If one arm is down by your side, make sure the other one is bent, creating a space between your arm and body. If one leg is locked straight, give the other leg a casual bend.

Don’t face your body straight on to the camera. 45-degree angles work great, especially if you have larger hips. Do not “jet” your hip toward the camera, or it will look larger, shift the weight to the back leg. Remember, whatever is closest to the camera will appear bigger.

Stay as candid as possible. A photo taken during and activity or experience always comes out better than a posed picture. Some of the best poses aren’t posed at all, but actions caught in the perfect moment.

8. The S Pose

As women, if we want to make the most of our curves, the S shape is the best way. Basically, the S pose is when your foot or feet face one way, and your upper body is facing the opposite direction.

9. Try your tiptoes

You can make yourself look more elongated but standing on your tiptoes or by sticking a leg out when taking full-bodied pictures. Shoes with height can also make your legs look leaner and longer.

10. Confidence

Relax your body and your eyes. If your uptight and stressing it will show in the picture.

When you feel confident, you look great and sometimes a little sassy. For photos with an attitude that screams confidence, tilt your head back slightly to show your jawline.

The bottom line:

Every time you open up Instagram, there seems to be a perfectly positioned model or influencer looking amazing. You might be thinking; that person is naturally photogenic. But guess what? That couldn’t be further from the truth. Most people learn to pose from trial and error.

Even models don’t look like themselves in pictures we see in magazines and stores. It’s all about confidence and knowing your angles.

Most of us struggle with capturing worthy shots as they lack something we can’t figure out. I hope this article helps you with that problem, so you spend the upcoming season all snap-happy as now you’re aware of multiple picture posing techniques!

Let us know in the comments section below which technique you found the most useful!

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